The challenge rules*

Stage 1 :
One U-Dog and a portion of chips - only 5 minutes to eat them. 
You cannot drink or eat anything else. 
You cannot walk away during the challenge.

Stage 2 :
Now you have to survive 10 minutes without drinking or eating anything. 

That's all? The end?

Sounds easy but we haven't mentioned one thing yet... 

U-Dog is injected with our Venom Reaper Chilli Sauce 
and covered with Carolina Reaper Chilli Oil.

Chips are coated with an extremely hot blend of spices 
that has been made using some of the world hottest chillis. 

If you can survive, we will post your challenge video on our social media, Your name will go on our WALL OF FLAME
 and you can call yourself The Uber Challenge Winner!  
Obviously if you win the Uber Challenge - it's on the house! 

 *Challenge takes up to 15 minutes

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